New Zealand's Cultivated Blueberry industry was initially developed from varieties sourced from the USA. Blueberries are relatively new in New Zealand compared to there. Much of the research is undertaken in the US because of the relative size of the industries. However we grow many of the same varieties here in New Zealand so you can relate the US research to the Blueberries we grow here. Here is a link to some interesting information about the health enhancing properties of Blueberries. Worlds Healthiest Foods
Nutritional information
Blueberry Research
Blueberries could boost children's memory
New research reveals blueberries potentially "significant" positive effects on the brain of primary school children New research published in the European Journal of Nutrition found that eating...
Blueberries boost children's brainpower
Children should eat blueberries before taking exams to benefit from a short-term boost to brain function, new research shows. A study revealed that primary school-age children performed tasks with...
Health Research
Blueberries are widely regarded as a Superfood due to their extremely high levels of Anitoxidants. Recent research has identified a range of health benefits that can be attributed to these little...
Blueberries and Aging
US Research has found that feeding blueberries to rats has slowed age related loss in their mental capacity.
Blueberries improve muscle recovery
The consumption of Blueberries, before, during, and after physical training has been found to improve the rate of recovery of muscle performance.
Nutritional information
New Zealand's Cultivated Blueberry industry was initially developed from varieties sourced from the USA. Blueberries are relatively new in New Zealand compared to there. Much of the research is...
Blueberries Stave off Mental Decline
How to live to a ripe old age: Regularly eating strawberries and blueberries can stave off mental decline by more than two years Click on the following link to see an article on the Daily Mail...
Blueberries and weight loss
Blueberries have special flavonoids that can help you lose weight, say Harvard researchers. The flavonoid subclass 'anthocyanins', largely found in blueberries and strawberries, was linked with the...
Blueberries may help prevent Alzheimer's, researchers say
A "super fruit" famed for its health-giving properties may protect ageing brains and help prevent Alzheimer's, new research suggests. Blueberries, given in the form of a powder, were found to...